This area of research is fraught with so much anxiety and tension that one has to keep one’s sense of humor or one would go nuts.
UFOlogy is often at odds with those who tease and taunt but we often pick fun at ourselves. It’s the only way to keep one’s sanity.
This story is about a the museum at Oswego SUNY.
UFO crash lands at Lee White Museum
Updated: 09/09/2008 04:22 PM
By: Web Staff
OSWEGO, N.Y. — Oswego is all abuzz about an invasion of UFOs at the Lee White Marine Museum. The museum held a mock UFO crash landing to mark several extra-terrestrial events taking place at the museum, as well as SUNY Oswego, in the coming weeks.
There will be a museum talk this Saturday with astronomer Dr. Scott Roby. Next month, Squonk opera’s “Astro-Rama” will perform a free show at SUNY Oswego.
As for the object that landed in Oswego, museum officials say they are still investigating where it came from.
UFO crash lands at Lee White Museum
Oswego is all abuzz about an invasion of UFOs at the Lee White Marine Museum. The museum held a mock UFO crash landing to mark several extra-terrestrial events taking place at the museum, as well as SUNY Oswego, in the coming weeks.
“We’re told by our friends that no one was hurt. No being was hurt in this crash, so we are grateful. But we’re thinking that aliens, like the early explorers, maybe they were coming to look and see what we’re about,” said museum Executive Director Mercedes Niess.
“Astro-Rama” will perform October 2nd through the 5th.