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DANGER WILL ROBINSON! UFOs: Where Does The Real Threat Come From?


Just about everyone knows that exclamation from the classic television series “Lost In Space”.

I added it here as a way to introduce some levity because in UFOlogy I’ve found far too much danger out and about. 

No, I’m not talking about mysterious men in black outfits who appear unannounced casting menacing glares like the UFO stories of old, I’m talking about the dangers of we humans and our oft times irresponsible behavior toward one another.  To tell you the truth I don’t know what’s more dangerous, the so called alien threat or the real threat of having your fellow human being give you a beat down because of your involvement with UFOs.

I bring all this up because I have two stories to tell in regard to UFOs that involve witnesses too frightened to talk and witnesses of such high credibility who have talked and I should disclose their information soon.  These two stories involve close encounters with UFOs in which multiple witnesses are involved, however, in one of these stories there were numerous pictures taken, law enforcement was present and the witnesses still alive after two decades.  No one wants to come forward in that instance because of some improprieties in their on duty conduct let us say.  So here we are with a major mystery that could be solved but the witnesses can’t come forward because some were drinking or getting high or messing around with someone else’s spouse while on duty and out and about. 

It’s starting to sound like a country and western song.

In another incident it has taken 10 years to solve.  It involves the huge boomerang or triangular shaped UFOs people have been reporting from around the world for over 30 years.  I had a surprise witness show up at my online chat at the old Parascope Magazine on AOL several years ago and then a witness give me straight up information just a few weeks ago.  Neither witnesses knows the another but their data matches enough for me to put together a story.  I had to double check in regard to sources as each news service is different and the philosophies of journalism vary, but the information is so startling that I cannot deny it myself any longer.

UFOlogy is unfortunately peppered with bigotry.  In the old days anyone talking about flying saucers and UFOs and aliens were ridiculed and far too often tossed into psychiatric centers against their will.  History might include the late Secretary James Forrestal, another hometown hero of mine, whom documentation states was head of the U.S. venture into the then known as “Flying Saucer” problem.  He too after having practically run WWII for us, ended up in psychiatric incarceration and met a still debated unceremonious end.  Just a cursory glance at the history of UFOlogy shows our worst enemies seem to be psychiatrists.  I’m sure anyone with kids in schools nowadays can attest to how many times your kinders have been said to be ‘uncontrollable’ and prescribed psychiatric medication.  It’s like these headshrinkers are working for the other side.

A few years ago Mexican journalist and one-man-army Jaime Maussan visited me in Los Angeles.  Jaime was in town to host one of his highly popular UFO seminars at one of the big theatres and we somehow meandered toward the topic of psychiatry and how it’s been used to intimidate and treat witnesses, whistle blowers, victims regarding UFOs.  If anyone knows Jaime Maussan they know he’s not one to take a backseat to any controversial issue and sure as heck he told me about how the government in Mexico tried to take away his son and put him in psychiatric incarceration because he was just being a typical active little boy.

Big mistake.

Jaime used his journalistic skills and no nonsense drive and stomped a mud puddle in their hind parts and walked it dry as the old country saying goes.  He practically destroyed the criminal psychiatric industry in Mexico. 

The same should be done here in the U.S. as well.

Again, people are afraid to come forward in regard to UFOs and we who do research and reports have to take this into consideration and never betray that trust.  It’s frustrating but if one cannot keep one’s word then one is worthless. 

Recently I got attacked by some UFOlogists because I dared enter into the equation the unfamiliar.  That’s typical of mainstream science and why such feats as flight, radio, electricity, to speak of a few, would never have been invented if the know-it-alls of their day had been listened to. 

Remember, even the vaunted New York Times stated that not only could man not achieve flight, but also 70 years later that we’d not be able to reach the Moon.

So much for credibility.

Humans make their best strides forward by ignoring common sense, especially when that common sense is federally funded or better defined, institutionally supported. 

On this we must always be vigilant but not to toss caution to the wind.

Here then are the parts of the UFO equation we need to address.  It’s not necessarily a look into the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis, meaning that some UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin, but instead a look at ourselves and certain phenomenon that are with us on a daily basis, tons of documentation to support them, yet never addressed by mainstream science and the media.

So let me get metaphysical on our butts for a moment.  These two phenomena that need to be looked into are OBEs short for Out of Body Experiences and past life phenomena. 

I can hear the old school UFOlogists grumping and groaning because how dare we use science to look into the spiritual.  Everyone knows science says there’s no God or spirit, but if that’s the case, why do six billion or more people still believe?  Even when they’re starving and under weapons fire they still believe.  Even when massive disasters wipe out tens of thousands they still believe.  When men’s war machines wipe out millions like during the Holocaust, people still believe in the spirit.  I’m reminiscing of the scene from the classic Dr. Seuss story “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” where the green old Grinch puzzled as to how the citizens of Whoville still believed in Christmas after he’d stolen their presents.

We’ve had well over 100 years of study of OBEs and past lives study.  It’s simple to prove if it’s real or not yet no major media source nor scientific body has yet to leap onto TV and declare so.  As usual some psychiatrist comes into play and tosses someone in a padded cell or whatever new Frankenstein like restraints they use or the issue is shuffled off to the giggle factor factory.

Bottom line is why not a look at it?  Might this fill in some blanks regarding many of the phenomena associated with UFOs? 

Let me be brief here.  The main reason science and news won’t touch the issue is because the datum is so overwhelming that we are more than just physical creatures that to declare such as fact to the mentally deranged war mongers and greed merchants would send these poor chaps over the deep end.  How much would the world change if we discovered we, the real being, was indeed immortal?  Silly as a March hare but immortal?  Irresponsible and childlike, but immortal?  That means the last guy you murdered would some day come back and might want to even the score.  Or how about that assassinated witness showing up with the goods but in a new body?  That’d change the criminal justice system for sure.

All I’m doing here is pointing out that when we don’t have answers it’s because we’re not asking the right questions or making our questions right.

We don’t know everything there is in regard to the science of physics or biology or any of our sciences.  We’re still learning, studying, testing. 

That doesn’t mean however that we’re to berate and chastise others because they dare to explore new areas, new niches.

Life doesn’t know boundaries and neither should we.

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