I’m often asked which UFO stories, past and present, are the most important.
It’s difficult to say as there are many reasons why each UFO story has some importance.
Some stories have more tangible evidence and credibility than others. Other stories have such unconventional concepts and theories that they beg for further inspection. To me the most important UFO stories are the ones that make us think, double check our sources and ourselves especially our mindsets.
In sixty years of UFO research we’ve yet to crack that one case to establish any non-terrestrial origin of any UFOs although there are many, many people who’ve worked in governments around the world with very high top secret clearance who state we do indeed have extraterrestrials amongst us. It’s still a matter of debate and you’ll find the most heated debates amongst UFO researchers. Recently a debate regarding alien abductions arose on the popular “UFO Updates List” hosted by Errol Bruce-Knapp. This List is frequented by the top echelon of UFO researchers and newbies as well. All participants give their opinions on the UFO subject and of late a disturbing situation has arisen again in regard to the mindset of certain UFOlogists. When I was a wee lad the UFO subject was still new. I recall when the cornerstone of UFO abduction stories, the case of Barney and Betty Hill hit the pages of LOOK Magazine back in the early 1960’s. It sent chills down the spines of people everywhere. Folks were on the lookout for roadside aliens who might obscond with them and subject them to strange medical experiments. Not since Orson Wells’ “War of the Worlds” broadcast had America been on it’s UFO toes so to speak. Many would argue the Hills’ account of their abduction is the most important UFO story and of course many would state the infamous Roswell case should top the list. I beg to differ because in both cases all we’ve got are stories and documentation and no solid proof.
I find the Hills’ story amazing as it’s the first credible story that gives us an insight into the minds of the abductors. We get to learn where they’re from and what they’re up to. There are tens of thousands of UFO abduction stories or better yet phrased, abduction stories involving UFOs. Each story has it’s unique qualities and others mirror one another with uncanny accuracy. It’s not a subject to glance over and one must do one’s homework and prepare to be subjected to a full study of the sciences and humanities just to get the groundwork on what you’ll experience. UFOlogy calls upon one to use every skill one should possess as a researcher and as a scientist because here is where science is fun and challenging. Amongst UFOlogists you’ll find it quite common that most are knowledgeable in such a pan cognitive way that one would find it difficult to keep up without reference materials at hand.
Again, to me the most important UFO stories are the ones that wake us up and most importantly, the ones that relate to you. That’s why I’m writing this book “The UFO Mafia” because I’m hoping you’ll be able to use some of the information to better your understanding of the UFO phenomenon.
In all the sixty years plus of this, I’ve come to the conclusion that the reason it’s not been solved is because we don’t have the means to solve it yet. Our scientists are bright but we still don’t know the answers to many of the mysteries still amongst us. Physics, genetics, biology, we’re still learning new things every day. Perhaps one day we’ll solve the riddles surrounding UFOs and perhaps we shouldn’t. Maybe things are this way in order to force us to reach and try new things, to give us a challenge so we’ll exercise those brain cells and our imaginations.
Maybe mystery is our primary motivator.